Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Spreadsheets - Reinforcement Lesson


Reinforcement of the Basics of a Digital Spreadsheet.
  1. Identifying the basic screen components
  2. Selection
  3. Copy
  4. Entering a simple formula
  5. Inserting charts



  1. Please download the Revision Activity from HERE 
  2. Perform the activities yourself without any help from peers or the teacher. 
  3. Today's performance will be graded.


     Participate in this Exit Poll

Teacher's Links

Monday, November 19, 2018

Spreadsheets - Revision


Download Activity File from HERE

Follow instructions in the Activity File

Saturday, November 10, 2018

Use of Charts in a Business

Week 11th November to 15th November 2018


for Activity

  1. Download the Sales Report of Dubai Cafe from HERE
  2. Follow the instructions given in the downloaded file.
for Reflection
     Participate in this Exit Poll

Teacher's Links